高效期刊。本刊论文5700字起发。另,论文需有“英文题目”“英文作者姓名”“英文作者单位及地址、邮编”“英文摘要”“英文关键词”。参考样式如下: Study on the regulation of banking monopoly in China FU Chun-kai (Heilongjiang Vocational Institute of Ecological Engineering, Harbin 150025, China) Abstract: Through the analysis of the banking market structure, the conclusion that there is a monopoly in the economic sense of the banking industry is concluded. Then, from the perspective of the monopoly of the legal sense, analysis the present situation of banking monopoly from the industry monopoly, monopoly agreement, abuse of market dominance, Concentration of business operators. Finally, according to the different characteristics of the two methods of anti-monopoly regulation, adopt the structure regulation as the main and take the behavior regulation as the supplementary measures. Key words:Banking;Market structure;Monopoly;Regulation